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Another month, another wave (of employees leaving)

As reported by Human Resources Director, (and dozens of other business news outlets), another  4.4 million Americans left their jobs in April.  Quit.  Up and walked.  Sayonara.  Sought greener pastures.  Jumped without a chute.  They just left, and employers were left scrambling...again. 

We do not have the solution to the Turnover Tsunami.  But we do have one solution that Twin Cities employers can add to their employee retention offerings.   And a memorable, FUN one at that!  Our one-day teambuilding workshops build empathy, communication, and of course camaraderie across teams, through learning to play music together.  You share some vulnerability, you grow from it as a team, and it is easier than you think! 

Why is this small investment in time so important?  Read on, as the HRD article reinforces: 

"Although the Great Resignation has been a massive hurdle for employers to overcome, Marc Detampel argues it’s also a great opportunity to reset your employee value proposition. Detampel is the managing director of Felix Global, a Chicago-based firm that offers full-service recruitment, leadership development, career transition and executive search expertise to top employers worldwide.

'Make sure that your employee value proposition, which includes your company culture and how you support work/life balance, is well articulated,' Detampel told HRD. 'How people are expected to be working and how they're going to stay connected with their colleagues and leaders has never been more important.'”

We agree with the article, and with Mr. Detampel.  That connection--the human connection--with your coworkers is more important now than ever.  Spend some time together, learn something, and enjoy some smiles.  We can help!