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Communication! (should be common sense)

Today's article from HR Exchange touches on some common-sense, but really important communication concepts. 

"Get leadership to talk.  A number of companies, including IBM, began having C-suite executives, including the CEO regularly check in with employees during the pandemic. The point is to set the tone from the top. Knowing what is on the mind of the top executives can help guide employees." 

These concepts are a portion of what we reinforce in our In-Tune Teambuilding workshops.  Communication is critical, throughout the team. 

"Tell people as much as you can.  Often, companies are quiet about everything. No one knows what's truly happening. It can can cause anxiety and confusion. The best way to handle any situation, even the challenging ones, is to share as much information as you can. After all, the unknown is what makes situations seem scarier."

Especially as your team tackles a new challenge!  That unknown is scary.  Shared empathy across your team makes the fear manageable.