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Remote work = work burnout

This article from the Business Journal last week offered updated information on a continuing (and obvious!) trend.  Especially in this day of remote workers, employers (read: managers) need to communicate with employees. 

"As businesses ease into 2022, 89% of full time U.S. employees say they have experienced occupational burnout over the past year.

It's a trend that's contributing to record quit rates, soaring turnover and reduced employee engagement, among other costly consequences.

Still, many employers are struggling to find their footing when it comes to fighting burnout in the remote environment. One potential reason? Many employees aren't comfortable talking with their managers about it. A survey of 1,000 U.S. workers by people analytics and workforce planning firm Visier found 42% of women and 30% of men were uncomfortable discussing burnout with their bosses." 

The article goes a long way to suggest new and effective ways to combat burnout.  We have one suggestion here--simply communicate.  Our workshops take your team out of its (remote) element, and build a new, exciting scenario where you enjoy communicating with, learning with, and jamming with your team. 

Our solution is not for everyone.  But it is pretty great.