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Organic engagement is passé

"If we've learned anything about the world of work over the past two years, it's that engagement means more than just liking your job. Ultimately, it's the emotional commitment a person feels to their work, colleagues, and employer. We've seen this amplified and exposed more than ever under the pressure of a global pandemic.

The drivers of engagement have remained remarkably steady over the years. They're determined by the degree to which a person's work fills them with a sense of purpose, progress, and belonging. Yet almost every other condition of the modern workforce has changed. 

Today, the ways that employers can positively influence employee engagement are entirely different than they were even two years ago."  

Today's Inc. article touches on the need we fulfill here at In-Tune Teambuilding.  The employee engagement game has changed.

"Research shows that positive interactions are one of the most influential factors in helping employees feel a sense of belonging at work. In pre-pandemic days, proximity made organic interactions easier. Think about how natural it was to ask about someone's weekend, talk about a shared interest, or give a compliment in passing.

Today, being separated physically doesn't mean that has to disappear. It just means we have to be more intentional about making those interactions happen. The key is creating opportunities for employees to interact in a positive way that scales virtually. This is easier said than done. Sometimes, creating opportunities for engagement that are inclusive, decentralized, and feel organic can seem at odds with one another in a virtual setting."

Our teambuilding workshops are intentional, memorable, inclusive, unique...and FUN!  We offer a positive, challenging interaction, with unifying lessons that will travel back to the office.  It's more important today than ever.